Appointing the director of a cultural institution
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Assoc. Prof., PhD, Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Publication date: 2022-07-02
Cybersecurity and Law 2022;7(1):220-231
The act on organizing and conducting cultural activity of October 25, 1991, distinguishes state and local government cultural institutions. A special place in these institutions is held by the director who is the governing body. This article outlines the rules for appointing directors and undertakes to analyze the provisions constituting the basis for an employment relationship with them. Doubts have been raised about the legal nature of the act of appointing the director of a cultural institution. The article points out the differences in the appointment of the director depending on the type of cultural institution, i.e. depending on whether it is a state or local government institution. It has been indicated that a candidate for the position of a director may be selected through a competitive process. The article presents the basic principles of its conduct.
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