Arbitration represents a desirable alternative dispute resolution in the realities of modern economically developed countries. Whereas the arbitrage contract is the realisation of this possibility. Submission to arbitration by the parties – in other words signing an arbitrage contract, constitutes de facto the only way to exclude the potential dispute from under the jurisdiction of common courts. It is particularly important in commercial proceedings as it may significantly influence the swiftness of the process due to its flexibility, costs and speed of the proceedings.
Funkcjonowanie sądów polubownych w systemach prawa wybranych państw europejskich, ed. R. Morek, Warszawa 2017.
Przepisy francuskiego Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego o postępowaniu arbitrażowym. Przekład z komentarzem, tłum. R. Wojciechowski, „Kwartalnik ADR” 2009, nr 4.
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