Cyber Security as A Research Subject: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Data in Scopus Database Covering in 2020–2024
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Faculty of Humanities, Koszalin University of Technology
Publication date: 2024-05-20
Cybersecurity and Law 2024;12(2):131-145
Modern society is increasingly reliant on digital technologies, thus bringing with it not only opportunities but also threats. This is particularly relevant for the area of the public sector, which by definition serves citizens. This particularity is consists in citizens frequently optionally rather than obligatory entrusting their data via ICT systems. In this context, cyber security is becoming a key research area, and this research is essential for understanding and effectively responding to increasingly complex cyber threats. This study aims to conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis (within a selected range) of cyber security data for the period of 2020–2024 for the data published in the Scopus repository database.
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