The legislator has awarded the status of being the authority competent for ensuring cybersecurity to the minister competent for computerisation in respect of digital service providers. The minister manages computerisation, a government administration department which entails cyberspace security in the civilian dimension. The range of the official’s activities includes monitoring, information activities and reporting. As a competent authority for ensuring cybersecurity, the minister also no.s decisions on recognising a digital infrastructure sector entity as an operator of essential services.
Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz K., Karpiuk M., Kostrubiec J., The legal status of public entities in the field of cybersecurity in Poland, Maribor 2021.
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Hoffman I., Cseh K.B., E-administration, cybersecurity and municipalities – the challenges of cybersecurity no.s for the municipalities in Hungary, „Cybersecurity and Law” 2020, no. 2.
Hoffman I., Karpiuk M., The local self-government’s place in the cybersecurity domain. Examples of Poland and Hungary, „Cybersecurity and Law” 2022, no. 1.
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