Disinformation – and what else?
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head of the Department of Cyber Security Law and New Technologies at the Institute of Law War Studies Academy in Warsaw, director of the Academic Center for Cybersecurity Policy
Publication date: 2022-02-07
Cybersecurity and Law 2021;6(2):9-19
The fundamental element of safety and of the presence of a sense of security is their being communicated to the public, which precedes development based on common perceptions and interpretations of the surrounding reality. With the development of societies, the
progress of digitalisation in the field of communication, and the smooth transmission of information and data, the individualisation and specialisation of communications leading to completely new forms of activity, and social media and messages which are not
addressed to the public, have become increasingly important. This refers to all events and phenomena in the public sphere, and its impact on civic life, the manner of its assessment, and the narrative which arises, and which is considered to be true by certain social groups
or societies, as they can identify themselves with it, and, finally, treat it as their own – post truth.
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