Informatyka i edukacja informatyczna w opinii uczniów szkół średnich – ocena jakości i metod przekazu wiedzy. Województwo dolnośląskie
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Centrum Studiów i Edukacji na rzecz Bezpieczeństwa UWr, Zakład Socjologii Bezpieczeństwa i Edukacji, Instytut Socjologii, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Instytut Socjologii, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Publication date: 2023-10-31
Cybersecurity and Law 2023;10(2):249-269
The article assumes that the assessment of the method and quality of teaching computer science in primary schools, formulated by those most interested in this quality (i.e. students taking computer science lessons), has, apart from the analysis of statistical data describing the computer and educational infrastructure, key importance for the assessment of competences with which students leave primary school. This assessment, even if subjective, based on opinions and not tests of competences juxtaposed with grades issued by teachers, should be the basis for designing a reform of teaching computer science in primary schools, not so much in terms of curriculum content, but rather in the sphere of educational practice. The article reports the results of an opinion poll conducted on this subject among secondary school students. The surveyed students had the opportunity to express their opinions and assessments on such matters as: computer science as a practical discipline, the structure of the curriculum and the process of its implementation, evaluation of the quality of computer science lessons in terms of content and the background of the teaching process itself (equipment and teachers).
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