Korzystanie przez biegłego
podczas sporządzania opinii
z oprogramowania, do którego
nie posiada licencji. Glosa od wyroku
Sądu Apelacyjnego w Łodzi
z 1 marca 2022 roku, II AKa 340/21
Scientific and technological progress and the development of computer and cybersecurity
science provide substantial evidence-collection possibilities in criminal proceedings.
Law-enforcement authorities, courts, trial participants and expert witnesses should be
aware of such possibilities. Expert witnesses should be required to provide information
on whether given computer software used by a given expert witness as support for the
preparation of opinions is covered by a licence and whether the software has been
approved by the manufacturer, as the use of unapproved software might generate errors.
The expert witness’s use of fake software disqualifies a given opinion, as has been proven
in this gloss.
Doda Z., Glosa do wyroku SN z dnia 1 września 1975 r. (Z 24/75), „Państwo i Prawo” 1977, nr 3.
Pawelec K.J., The use of cybersecurity-specific rescarch methods of identify behaviours preceding dangerous traffic situations [w:] The public dimension of cyberseccurity, red. M. Karpiuk, J. Kostrubiec, Maribor 2022.
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