The paper investigates the growing cyber threats to personal finance, faced by the elderly in the digital age. It begins by acknowledging the surge in cyber incidents, particularly impacting seniors amid their increasing engagement in the digital space. The research explores the theoretical background of individual attitudes towards cybersecurity, emphasizing the unique vulnerabilities of the elderly population and their heightened susceptibility to cyber threats. It offers practical recommendations for personal cyber hygiene. Moreover, it introduces personal cyber insurance (PCI) and discusses its advantages and challenges. As the main contribution to the body of knowledge, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the specific challenges faced by the elderly in the digital realm. It offers practical strategies for risk mitigation and introduces PCI as a means of enhancing resilience. It also sets the groundwork for further exploration and targeted strategies to protect individuals, especially older adults, in the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity.
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Kostyuk N., Wayne C., The Microfoundations of State Cybersecurity: Cyber Risk Perceptions and the Mass Public, „Journal of Global Security Studies” 2021, no. 6.
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McGregor R., Reaiche C., Boyle S., Corral De Zubielqui G., Cyberspace and Personal Cyber Insurance: A Systematic Review, „Journal of Computer Information Systems” 2023, vol. 64, no. 1.
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