The COVID-19 pandemic and the functioning of financial institutions in Poland. Cybersecurity issues.
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The War Studies University in Warsaw, Security Research Centre, Centre for Cybersecurity Studies
Publication date: 2021-03-04
Cybersecurity and Law 2020;3(1):93-101
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced the functioning and organisation of financial institutions in Poland and the cybersecurity mechanisms associated with it, due to the change in the model of functioning of these institutions. Changes to the way institutions function have been introduced under the influence of evolving restrictions and regulations, often in a manner which went beyond previously planned scenarios of action. The experience gained in this way should be included in the business continuity plans and procedures of financial institutions. It is also worth considering what changes should be permanently implemented by financial institutions, and what adaptations in the field of cybersecurity will be required. These adjustments should take place in interaction with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, to maintain an appropriate level of security and quality of services rendered.
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